Category: Personal

  • I’ve been on a bit of a self-reflection kick of late. My job change (which I detail in my blog post from a few weeks ago, “P* Management”) left me feeling adrift and looking to re-ground myself in my personal values and principles. I’m looking to define myself beyond my job title. It turns out…

  • P* Management

    So I had an interesting job change recently. All through 2021 I had been working towards a promotion to Senior Product Manager. I worked to improve my stakeholder management skills and practices. I identified hard problems in the organization and solved them. I expanded my product portfolio. I took on extra responsibilities at the department…

  • Earlier this year, I was laid off, and it was honestly one of the lowest points of my life. After only 1.5 years of mostly unhappy experiences in product management, I was forced to ask the hard question: was this role a good fit at all? In this thread, I will explain the 6 things…

  • Fellow white people, this post is for you. This post is especially for you if you find the news cycle overwhelming and anxious-making and you just want to “take a break” and filter it out. I feel you. And your mental health is important. But you really should not entirely close your eyes and cover…

  • I’m unemployed now, and you know what that means: time to try to establish a “personal brand!” I understand that advice and it makes sense in a way, but everything inside me screams whenever I think about sharing my thoughts with the internet. It’s why this blog is sporadic at best – my “brand” is…